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Disaster Recovery and Resilience

  • Streamline government processes so that those who lost their homes in the CZU Lightning Complex Fire or winter storms can rebuild as soon as possible.

    • Allow more flexibility in rebuilding, such as the implementation of composting toilets and greywater systems to reduce or eliminate septic requirements​

    • Support the unified permit center and third party permit reviewers to allow for faster and more consistent permit reviews

  • Invest in emergency responder training, emphasizing cultural competency, to ensure an effective and inclusive crisis response. I will use my experience leading Encompass through multiple disasters to support the local workforce in a comprehensive, equitable response to future disasters. 

  • Provide greater resources and incentives for vegetation management and the creation of "defensible space" to prevent widespread wildfire damage.

  • Create a coordinated approach to disaster response and partner with public and private agencies to ensure 5th District residents have the resources they need when disaster strikes.

  • Develop inclusive disaster plans that account for language barriers, disabilities, and cultural differences; it's imperative to address underlying social and economic disparities, ensuring equitable disaster preparedness.


  • Ensure that road repair funds are distributed equitably and that the 5th District doesn't get left behind

  • Support goals of reducing congestion and emissions while balancing the practical realities of our rural district

  • Work with state and federal partners to explore additional funding sources for public transit options, such as Santa Cruz METRO, ParaCruz, and the Rail and Trail - pursuing grants, advocating for increased funding allocations, and seeking innovative funding mechanisms to support and improve our public transit system.

  • Ensure that new developments are well-connected to transit routes

  • Coordinate with partners to expand safe routes to schools and pedestrian access


  • Invest in projects that will have a lasting impact on our aging infrastructure, ensuring 5th District residents have reliable water and connectivity.

  • Re-negotiate the County's Franchise Agreement with PG&E to improve safety and reliability, to benefit residents, businesses, and the County, and to protect the environment

  • Help facilitate a solution for Big Basin Water Company customers, such as helping BBWC become a public entity so that it can leverage federal and state relief dollars, and be an active participant in that process to ensure that our residents have a strong voice advocating for them;

  • Support residents' continued access to landlines and lobby state representatives to do the same

  • Expand reliable broadband and cellular access for residents and small businesses, and ensure that it is available during emergencies.

Environmental Stewardship

  • Promote climate action and environmental stewardship by investing in renewable energy programs and water conservation initiatives.

  • Invest in sustainable vegetation management programs to help residents remove dry fuels and prevent wildfires.

  • Ensure that state and federal representatives are voting on legislation to address climate change and support marginalized communities, such as the policies outlined in the Green New Deal: moving away from dependency on fossil fuels; creating green, union jobs; and investing in sustainable transportation methods.

  • Educate children and visitors about the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship to protect our region's ecosystems.

Affordable Housing

  • Invest in a sustainable housing ecosystem that prioritizes housing affordability and workforce housing.

  • Preserve our existing housing stock by ensuring homes damaged during natural disasters can be repaired or rebuilt as quickly as possible.

  • Support multifamily housing developments near sustainable transportation options - critical strategy for reducing traffic congestion, emissions, and housing costs, all of which are essential for creating more sustainable and accessible communities.

  • Balance the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants, ensuring that rental housing markets are fair, stable, and supportive of the well-being of all parties involved, while also ensuring that we can increase the rate of building new infill, multi-family housing.

  • I strongly believe in the Housing First approach to homelessness, which provides stable, permanent housing to homeless individuals without preconditions like sobriety or participation in treatment programs.

Healthy Youth and Families

  • Ensure every youth has access to mental health support and expand behavioral health access in schools.

  • Invest in early childhood development, affordable childcare, career development, and positive activities for youth and families.

  • Support working families by advocating for union jobs that provide equal wages and fair opportunities for all workers

  • Create a thriving, inclusive community that celebrates and welcomes diversity.

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